The procedure of submitting a claim:
When the user of Metabond suspects that his/her motor vehicle or equipment has suffered damage as a result of using our product, he/she must report (by mail or electronic message) this fact to Metabond USA in writing and without delay. The report must include the description of the event and copies of invoices of the product.
Repair of the damaged motor vehicle or equipment must not commence until an authorized advisor of Metabond USA has inspected and photographed the damaged equipment. Also, the advisor, in the presence of the claimant — or his/her authorized representative or advisor — must prepare a memorandum and take samples certified by the owner.
The claimant shall provide facilities and an appropriately trained mechanic for the above inspection. When the liability of Metabond USA is established, Metabond USA shall refund the costs of the above service. Repairs may commence only after the inspection and on the approval of both parties.
Metabond USA shall order the analysis of the samples to be conducted in his laboratory on his expense, and shall prepare an advisor’s report on the probable cause of the damage.
Product liability of Metabond USA and the manufacturer of the product shall be based on the conclusion of this report.